Tuesday 8 March 2011

Poorly babe and a thoughtful friend

So, I just thought I'd post to say I've been away from my blog for a little while because my little girl has been a poorly bunny and ended up in hopsital last week.  She's on the mend now, a nasty case of gastroenteritis which left her low on sugar, salt and a whole other host of things so she had a short visit to hospital to sort things out.  It's all been a little crazy and so not much sewing being done though look how happy she was today to recieve a very special gift from a friend, Marilyn in a UK facebook group I belong to called 'make do and mend'.  It's her very own cottonsocks that I'd wanted to make but just hadn't had time!  There were also some lovely butterfly hairclips - very kind and generous!  Thank you Marilyn, it's lovely to know there are some thoughtful, caring people out there who would do such a great thing for someone they haven't even met.  Bella will go to bed tonight a happy little girl with her cottonsocks!


Hopefully I'll be back soon with my Sewn with Love project that is just sat there waiting for me to get to it!

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